Forum Thread: Golden Rules Of a Children's Entertainer

When working with children always be encouraging and never put a child down no matter how difficult they may be.


2 Responses

If you have a difficult or challenging child in your audience,get them working with you rather than against you, give them a job to do it often works.


Catch Your Kids Doing Something Right!

While we all as parents are guilty of finding what our children do wrong and often forget to give that much needed pat on the back, the fact is that where our attention goes is where your child's attention also goes. Now, why would you want them to pay more attention to what they do wrong because what a child pays attention to determines how they will behave.

A study many years ago reported that when a young child is learning to read and the teacher pointed out the errors, the student would then make more of them! When, however, the teacher simply made the correction by giving the right answer and drew attention to what was right rather than what was wrong, the student immediately integrated the information and his or her learning progressed much more readily.

The more attentive you are to what your child is doing right and then recognize the good work, the more motivated your child will be to learn and do the right thing. Positive energy from someone we care about gives an emotional boost that causes one to become self-motivated which makes parenting easy and much more fun. Here's a bonus tip. When you compliment your child on a job that could have been done better, guess what. Next time it will be!

Edie Raether M.S, CSP

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